About Martha
Martha Hoyt McCallum transitioned into eternity on Feb. 9, 2013, due to heart disease. Celebrating her 91st birthday on January 22, Martha was grateful for the extended opportunity
she had to serve Jesus, her Savior, and the thousands of friends she drew into His Love. Born in Kenya in 1922 to Quaker missionaries Fred and Alta Hoyt, Martha continued their
pioneering spirit and Quaker compassion throughout her life, which was prodigious. By 1946, she had earned a BS and MA from Wheaton College, married WWII navy captain Dr. John
McCallum, and raised four boys who became Christian ministers and missionaries. In 1971, amidst the Jesus Freak movement, Martha launched Layman's Challenge For Today, which
evolved into a church and missions movement known as Dwell Community Church.
Martha's Books

Spiritual Heritage: How Strong Christian Parenting Influenced the Character of Four Generations of One Family for God
Spiritual Heritage recounts the dynamic result of a Christian heritage on an individual and on her extended family members. When parents live out their Christian faith with
integrity and consistency. loving their children with God's unconditional love, their faith is irresistible. As a result their children create a Christian heritage in their
own homes. Martha Hoyt McCallum's parents were longtime missionaries in Kenya, East Africa. She was raised among her African friends where she experienced God's
life-transforming love lived out by her parents.

The Scarlet Thread: Tracing God's Incredible Plan
The Creator God who formed the grandeur of this universe and is commanding it, is not aloof or indifferent to our human condition. Out of love, He is intimately involved:
His desire is to relate with His created beings. "God is Love" and His Kindgom is held together by viable loving relationships. We were created with a deep longing for such
a Kingdom. In addition, God made it possible for you to rise above the tiny world of timed, sequential events, and see it all from His eternal point of view. Even more
amazing, He prepared a fulfilling opportunity for you to participate in His Kingdom - if you want to. This is what God's Increcible Plan is all about: God revealing Himself
and His Plan to satisfy our restless drive for significance, and at the same time, answering our most troubling questions.